Cinema ZED has three screens at two locations:
A.Vesaliusstraat 9 C, 3000 Leuven
Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven
Cinema ZED is open every day, 7 days a week. In ZED-VESALIUS There are at least 6 screenings a day (between 5 pm and 10.30 pm) And on Sunday we start at 11 am!) in ZED-STUK there are 2 screenings on daily basis. Sunday and Wednesday afternoons are reserved for children and youth films at 3 p.m.. During events, like one of the many film festivals hosted at ZED, there are screenings during the daytime as well.
The week line up can be found in the column on the right side of this page. More information about this week's films can be found on the main page. To take a look at our monthly program, please click SCHEDULE (partly in English. Our folder can also be downloaded (see box on the left side of this page). All printed communication is in Dutch, but on the website, on the detailed film pages, you will find a brief English synopsis. In addition, we also provide the film’s trailer, if available.
On every film page, the dialogues and subtitling are indicated. This information can also be found in the ZED-programme folder.
Regular ticket price: € 9.5
Youth films & films from 10pm: € 8
ZED-Studentcard: € 8
You can apply for this card for free!
ZED-Teacherscard: € 8
You can apply for this card for free!
Culture Card KU Leuven: € 7
This card costs € 20. You can buy it via KU Leuven
Samenaankoop KU Leuven: € 7
You can buy a code via www.samenaankoop.org
ZESxZED-card: € 48
This reduction card entitles you 6 tickets for a film of your choice.
- You can buy it at the ticket desk or online
- You can use it online and at the ticket desk
- Valid for 2 years
- Not personal
Check the amount of tickets on your ZEDxZED-card
- You can buy your tickets ONLINE via the ZED-website
- Drop by the STUK ticket office: Naamsestraat 96 - Leuven,
Mon-Fri: - 10 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. Sat : 5 pm - 5.30 pm and 7.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.
Sun: 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. When movies are shown outside the regular opening hours, STUK Onthaal opens 30 minutes before the start of the movie. - Drop by the Vesalius ticket office : A. Vesaliusstraat 9c, Leuven.
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat : 4.30 pm - 5.45 pm and 7pm - 10.45pm
Wed: 2.30pm - 5.45pm and 7pm - 10.45pm
Sun: 10.30am - 5.45 pm and 7pm - 10.45pm
For information about renting the cinema, please contact evelien@cinemazed.be
016/ 649 240